Revolutionize Application Security with Fuzz Testing

Discover Scantist's Fuzz Testing solution for uncovering hidden vulnerabilities in your code.

Fortify Security with Scantist's Fuzz Testing

Uncover elusive vulnerabilities across any operating environment, all without needing access to source code. Dive into the world of automated analysis delivering unparalleled security insights.

Detect Critical Security Threats

Identify critical security issues, including stack-based and heap-based buffer overflows, out-of-bounds read or write errors, and more. Safeguard your applications with precision.

Black Box Analysis

Perform black box analysis without the need for source code access. Our automated analysis targets binaries directly, allowing for a comprehensive security assessment.

Efficient Vulnerability Verification

Generate sample inputs that trigger vulnerabilities within your applications. This valuable resource aids in vulnerability verification and remediation efforts, ensuring your software remains resilient.

Delivering Unmatched Vulnerability Discovery and Resolution Capabilities

Explore how our binary-level analysis, intelligent static pre-analysis, and cross-platform, cross-architecture support revolutionize vulnerability discovery and resolution.

Precise Binary-Level Analysis

  • Scantist's proprietary dynamic instrumentation technology allows you to scan applications at the binary level, uncovering vulnerabilities at both the development and compilation stages.
  • Our intelligent hooking mechanism eliminates the need for manual efforts, achieving quicker vulnerability detection and resolution through near-native speed processing and targeted fuzzing strategies.

Intelligent Static Pre-Analysis

  • We blend existing vulnerability signatures and metrics for prioritized vulnerability discovery.
  • Our Fuzzing Test analyzer continuously adapts to your application's use-cases, ensuring extensive and thorough testing at every stage.

Cross-Platform, Cross-Architecture Support

  • Unmatched multi-platform and architecture support, including Windows/Linux and Intel (x86/x64)/ARM/MIPS/PowerPC, all without emulation for faster processing.
  • Maximize vulnerability coverage by analyzing every critical part of your application with Scantist's proprietary seed prioritization.

Tailored Fuzz Testing Specifications for Developers and Security Teams

Scantist's Fuzz Testing offers versatile compatibility, supporting Windows and Linux on Intel (x86/x64), ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC architectures. Deploy with ease.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Scantist's Fuzz Testing thrives in diverse environments, supporting both Windows and Linux. Developers and security teams can explore its benefits across these major platforms.

Diverse Architecture Support

Scantist's Fuzz Testing embraces a wide range of architectures, including Intel (x86/x64), ARM, MIPS, and PowerPC. It's a versatile solution designed to cater to your specific needs.

Multiple deployment solutions

Select from managed cloud, private cloud, or on-premise solutions, ensuring flexibility and customization to match your unique requirements.

“When making a tech investment, verifying the integrity of the code is critical. Scantist provides a thorough solution that’s also action orientated. Respect of data is guaranteed, ROI is obvious. We will continue to use Scantist for new investments and to monitor software on a continuing basis.”

Clement Lavallard,

Partner of Charcot Capital

“We were throwing some interesting and unusual questions about the product’s capabilities, and we got a response in a few weeks with very intricate changes to the solution that was offering to us. The level of responsiveness and adaptability of Scantist helped make the decision process a lot easier. Scantistwent above and beyond to tailor its product for us to get data that was unique and valuable to the our environment. This type of interaction with a vendor makes the partnership a delightful one to work with and we are getting a great deal of value out of it.”

Robert Mitchell,

Head of Security at Deputy


Find out how we’ve helped organisations like you.

OSSFP: Precise and Scalable C/C++ Third-Party Library Detection using Fingerprinting Functions

Effectively detect and address known vulnerabilities in existing C/C++ code bases to enhance software security and reliability

The AI Security Imperative: Safeguarding the Future of Innovation

Discover how Scantist AI and NTU are advancing AI security to protect valuable data and tackle unique challenges, ensuring a secure future for AI systems.

The DevSecOps Revolution: Empowering SMEs in the AI Age

At Scantist, we're revolutionizing cybersecurity for SMEs with DevSecOpsAgent, our AI-powered solution that democratizes DevSecOps practices.

Safeguard Your Source Code and Business

Join thousands of innovators, developers and security teams who trust Scantist to safeguard their software.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does your application security platform work?

At Scantist, our advanced threat detection system employs a multi-layered approach to identify and neutralise potential security threats. We utilise a combination of machine learning algorithms, behavioural analysis, and signature-based detection to monitor your applications, libraries, and code repositories. Our system continuously scans for known vulnerabilities, suspicious patterns, and anomalous behavior, ensuring proactive threat mitigation and reducing the risk of cyberattacks.

What encryption standards do you use to protect our sensitive data?

We prioritise the security of your sensitive data and employ robust encryption standards. Scantist employs industry-leading encryption protocols, including TLS (Transport Layer Security), to secure data transmission between your systems and our platform. Additionally, all stored data is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorised access.

Can your identity and access management solutions integrate with our existing systems?

Yes, our identity and access management solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. Scantist offers flexible integration options, including support for Single Sign-On (SSO) protocols such as SAML and OAuth. This enables you to centralise user authentication and access control, streamlining user management across your organization.

How can your security consulting services help us identify and mitigate potential risks?

Our security consulting services provide expert guidance to identify, assess, and mitigate potential security risks within your software development lifecycle. Our team of experienced professionals can perform thorough security assessments, code reviews, and architecture analysis to pinpoint vulnerabilities and recommend effective risk mitigation strategies. By leveraging our consulting services, you can enhance your overall security posture and ensure the integrity of your applications.

Do you offer 24/7 customer support in case of emergencies or security incidents?

Yes, we understand the importance of timely support, especially during emergencies and security incidents. Scantist offers customer support to address any urgent concerns you may have. Our dedicated support team is available to assist you in resolving issues, providing guidance, and ensuring a swift response to security incidents, helping you minimise potential impacts on your systems and operations.