About Us

At Scantist, we embark on a mission to constantly seek and create solutions to the complexities of software development.

We are fortunate to have like-minded individuals on our team who share the same passion of developing a solution that would be a game changer.

Our Story

Scantist was a spin-off from a security research lab in Nanyang Technological University since 2016. Built upon our extensive research base and deep scientific expertise, we have created an automated platform for you to manage your open source usage.

Up to 90% of codes used in applications are open source and imported by developers, which leaves the software supply chain unchecked and vulnerable for exploitation. This introduces potential threats and risks of exploits that could cost your organisation an average of about U$3.886 Million.

We want to help you build software applications freely and confidently while staying legally compliant and we are here to stay. Our dedicated team will work alongside you as we put our commitment into action in enabling your business success.

Awards & Partnerships

Manage security and legal-compliance risks of your open source libraries in your source-code and binary projects

CSA Innovation Award 2022
For AI enabled application security and software supply chain solutions
HUAWEI Spark Program 2021
Winner of the innovation award from Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore’s Call for Innovation Grant in 2020
National Cybersecurity Research Grant
Received from the National Research Foundation of the Singapore Prime Minister Office (PMO)
Industry Collaborator
Facilitate the National Integrated Centre of Evaluation’s research into the use of SCA tool as an application evaluation technique


Find out how we’ve helped organisations like you

OSSFP: Precise and Scalable C/C++ Third-Party Library Detection using Fingerprinting Functions

Effectively detect and address known vulnerabilities in existing C/C++ code bases to enhance software security and reliability

The AI Security Imperative: Safeguarding the Future of Innovation

Discover how Scantist AI and NTU are advancing AI security to protect valuable data and tackle unique challenges, ensuring a secure future for AI systems.

The DevSecOps Revolution: Empowering SMEs in the AI Age

At Scantist, we're revolutionizing cybersecurity for SMEs with DevSecOpsAgent, our AI-powered solution that democratizes DevSecOps practices.

We're hiring!

Join our team - Explore exciting open positions and become a part of the
Scantist journey.

Safeguard Your Source Code and Business

Join other developers and security teams and get started with Scantist.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does your application security platform work?

At Scantist, our advanced threat detection system employs a multi-layered approach to identify and neutralise potential security threats. We utilise a combination of machine learning algorithms, behavioural analysis, and signature-based detection to monitor your applications, libraries, and code repositories. Our system continuously scans for known vulnerabilities, suspicious patterns, and anomalous behavior, ensuring proactive threat mitigation and reducing the risk of cyberattacks.

What encryption standards do you use to protect our sensitive data?

We prioritise the security of your sensitive data and employ robust encryption standards. Scantist employs industry-leading encryption protocols, including TLS (Transport Layer Security), to secure data transmission between your systems and our platform. Additionally, all stored data is encrypted using strong encryption algorithms to prevent unauthorised access.

Can your identity and access management solutions integrate with our existing systems?

Yes, our identity and access management solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. Scantist offers flexible integration options, including support for Single Sign-On (SSO) protocols such as SAML and OAuth. This enables you to centralise user authentication and access control, streamlining user management across your organization.

How can your security consulting services help us identify and mitigate potential risks?

Our security consulting services provide expert guidance to identify, assess, and mitigate potential security risks within your software development lifecycle. Our team of experienced professionals can perform thorough security assessments, code reviews, and architecture analysis to pinpoint vulnerabilities and recommend effective risk mitigation strategies. By leveraging our consulting services, you can enhance your overall security posture and ensure the integrity of your applications.

Do you offer 24/7 customer support in case of emergencies or security incidents?

Yes, we understand the importance of timely support, especially during emergencies and security incidents. Scantist offers customer support to address any urgent concerns you may have. Our dedicated support team is available to assist you in resolving issues, providing guidance, and ensuring a swift response to security incidents, helping you minimise potential impacts on your systems and operations.